James Wernicke For Los Alamos County Council

We should hold our government accountable to make transparent, data-driven, cost-effective decisions.

Proactively publish data on budgets, contracts, and other activities and make it easily accessible and machine-readable for truly independent oversight. Continuously monitor and assess performance, promptly make necessary adjustments, and strengthen public communication. Reduce complexity, costs, and delays in bureaucratic processes. Manage risk rather than completely avoid it. Make public engagement

We should make it easier to develop local housing and small businesses.

Streamline permitting and inspection processes to reduce costs and delays. Eliminate or offset taxes on productive activities like working for or running a local business and developing or improving local housing or commercial space. Impose a land value tax to discourage non-productive activities and ensure public resources are used for the public benefit.

About Me

I came to Los Alamos because to pursue a career in scientific research and raise a family in a quiet, safe, outdoor-oriented community. I’ve faced the challenges of living in Los Alamos as a student, raising a family, finding a home, and starting a business and want to ensure Los Alamos is a better place to live and work for the next generation.

I’ve spent my career in national security science at the intersection of information technology and data science at scale. In my career, I’ve learned how to navigate bureaucratic institutions, reducing costs and delays while exceeding expectations. I’ve learned that inefficient government is the result of poor leadership complacent with the status quo. Embracing modern best practices, automation, and an equitable work culture are keys to a prosperous society.

Volunteerism and community involvement is also crucial. I run an afterschool STEM club, coach youth rugby, clean up and maintain trails, participate in mountain bike patrol, and am on the boards of local community service, professional business, and recreational organizations. As a public servant, I am the current Parks and Recreation Board Chair and a member of the Personnel Board. I formerly chaired the Board of Registration.

I hope I can earn your vote this November for County Council to take action on challenges such as housing and small business opportunity.

What do you think?

I’m committed to acting on what this community wants. Use this form to send me your thoughts or questions privately or email me directly at JamesWernickeForLosAlamos@gmail.com.

If you’d like to leave a public message or ask a question that you’d like me to answer publicly, leave a comment below.

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