We Get The Community We DeserveÂ

It has been one of the greatest honors of my life to receive the support of 3,548 voters and those without voting rights who contribute equally, and sometimes more, to our community. I’m sorry I didn’t knock on enough doors, shake enough hands, and kiss enough babies to win it, but this community has too much potential for good to give up on it. Please keep voting for people over parties and we’ll get the community we deserve.

Until next time, I hope to see you at our local businesses, Council and board meetings, open houses and town halls, and development update meetings. I hope you will organize and support local charity and volunteer events, co-ops and community service organizations, and maybe try that quirky business endeavor you think would do alright in this community. I hope you will send your public comments and calls for action and accountability to countycouncil@lacnm.us and local news outlets on things like nuisance codes, golf course remodels, road diets, and every other questionable thing done with our public resources. I hope to see you out enjoying our trails, parks, and community events with your families. I hope to see new faces moving in and old faces staying. When we’re actively engaged in its stewardship, we’ll get the community we deserve.


James Wernicke

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