Urge Los Alamos County To Use Concrete Instead Of Metal In White Rock Skatepark Rebuild

Please sign our petition to rebuild the White Rock skatepark out of of concrete instead of metal at https://change.org/WRskatepark.

I grew up skating, and it was not always an easy journey. Before skateparks were around, we were treated like criminals for skating at schools, businesses, and parking lots. As a teenager in Albuquerque, I was fortunate enough to be included in skatepark construction projects which gave me a sense of empowerment and pride in my community. Now, I want the same for the skaters of White Rock.

We are petitioning Los Alamos County to request that the new White Rock skatepark be built out of concrete instead of metal ramps for many reasons:

Lower overall cost and maintenance

While the initial cost of constructing a concrete skatepark might be higher, its long-term maintenance costs are generally lower compared to metal ramps. Concrete is extremely durable and can withstand heavy use and harsh weather conditions. Metal can corrode, dent, and require more frequent repairs or replacements.


Concrete parks can be designed with safety in mind, minimizing sharp edges or protrusions that are more common with metal ramps. Also, concrete does not heat up as much as metal, reducing the risk of burns in hot weather.

Noise reduction

Concrete parks are typically quieter than metal ones, reducing noise pollution for nearby residents.

More enjoyable

Concrete provides a smooth, consistent surface that is ideal for skating. It offers good traction and a predictable surface for skaters, which is crucial for performing tricks and maneuvers. Concrete allows for more creative and customized park designs. It can be molded into various shapes and sizes, fitting the landscape and the specific needs of the skating community. It also tends to blend better with the surroundings, offering aesthetic advantages.

Moreover, we believe that this project should be driven more by local skatepark users and less by county staff. The local skateboarders know best what kind of park they need; their input is crucial for creating a space that will truly serve them well.

By involving young people in the planning process as I once was involved myself back in Albuquerque – we can foster a sense of ownership among them towards their community spaces while also teaching them valuable skills about civic engagement. Let’s give our youth the chance to have their voices heard and create a point of pride for them within our community with a new concrete skatepark.

Please support our community and sign our petition. It would also help if you email Los Alamos County Council at countycouncil@lacnm.us and Parks & Recreation Board at prb@lacnm.us to express your support.

Photo by John McHale. Skater: Erik Leonard

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